Recruitment Trends To Look Out For In 2018

With the advancement of technology, there has been a great change in the way the recruitment takes place. It has led to increase in the number of new trends that are being followed. These trends will help to shape up the recruitment industry in 2018. They will help to provide a new dimension to the recruitment process.

Let’s take a look at some of the recruitment trends which are on the rise:
Artificial intelligence is on the rise:

AI or Artificial Intelligence is gaining a lot of popularity these days. It has affected the recruitment industry in a great way. AI can be used to simplify the tasks of sourcing and screening skilled candidates, thus act as a boon for the recruiters. You can make use of the chatbots to answer the questions about the advertisements related to your job vacancy.

The power of big data and data analytics

Big data can cause a great impact on the way recruiter hire new candidates. Data analytics can help to make well-informed hiring decisions.   

Redesigned interview strategies:

With the advancement of technology, the interview strategies have been changed. Video conferencing is the new way of scheduling interviews. It helps in saving a lot of time to travel long distances. Virtual reality technologies are also being used to assess the skills in simulated work environments. 

Positive experience for the candidates:

If the candidate does not face any difficulty during the recruitment process, it creates a positive attitude in him. An efficient and seamless recruitment process can prove to be a good experience for the candidate which can further cause him to accept the job offer. In this way, you can find highly skilled and talented candidates.

These were some of the latest recruitment trends which are on the rise. They can change the way recruitment industry works.

Recruitment Times is an online magazine which keeps the job seekers in UK updated with the latest recruitment news. It also helps in connecting the applicants with the recruiters.


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