Know Your Job as a Recruiter

So, you are a recruitment consultant, right? Are you one? Well! Don’t get offended, but are you someone whose LinkedIn profile in flooded with skills. Yes! I am talking about skills like counselor, blogger, copywriter, employment coach, marketing consultant, CV writer and other.

So, you have all these amazing qualities, but can you answer again – Are you a recruitment consultant? You may be wondering why I am asking the same question again and again. Well! My point of concern is the condition prevailing right now.
Most of the recruiters have forgotten about their actual job. There is no denying the fact that the above-mentioned skills are certainly a great addition to any recruiter’s profile. But you have to understand what your actual job is.

Ask yourself, are you working on the roles that are likely to result in placements? If the answer is no, then there is no point in calling yourself a recruitment consultant. Well! It’s a simple logic, it always has been! If you can generate more placements then you are a good 
recruiting consultant.

How many have you generated in the past one year?

Find the answer to this question and you will understand what I am trying to say.

I understand that it is not your fault that you are doing what you are not meant to. You are just trying to meet the expectations of the clients and candidates.

This takes me to my second point of concern. You are a recruiting consultant, you know how to help people find their job, and still, you are being guided by somebody who knows nothing about the field.

How could a candidate who is looking for a job in engineering instruct you how to do your work? Unless they are themselves recruiting experts, I do not think that they can.

The reason for this situation is again the same – Client Satisfaction. But think about it, can you make your client happier and satisfied if you use your own methods? Well! If you think you can then also you will achieve client satisfaction. In fact, you will get better results than previous because you love what you are doing.

I am not trying to make you a rebel and start a hunger strike for your rights. I just want you to know yourself and your job. I want you to analyze what you are meant to do, and what you are capable of doing.

Stay updated with the latest recruitment communications news by reading magazines and other informational stuff. This will help you know the challenges that you might face in future.

The change in your working ways will definitely be a slow process, but it will definitely be a good change.

So, stop wasting yourself and do what you are meant to do!

Happy Recruiting!


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