How Technology is Affecting the Recruitment Market?

A look at recruitment news reveals that technology is playing a big part in redefining the recruitment market. While on one hand there is a threat that automation will take away jobs, the fact remains that automation is also paving way for new jobs.

Automation has simplified a number of processes reducing the need for manpower. However, with new technologies, the need for data analytics and insights have also increased proving that human resources cannot be replaced.

The challenge before recruiters is not just trying to find the right talent but finding resources who can keep themselves updated with the latest developments in their field. The onus is now on organisations to create an environment of lifelong learning for their employees.

This can be done by internal training and up-skilling. Allowing a flexible work culture where the employee has enough time to study to keep him updated will also help both the employee and the organisation.

As far as the employees are concerned, it is time they became proactive and took the initiative. Growth in career will no longer be determined by just qualification or hierarchy. It will totally depend on the knowledge base of the employee and how he leverages the technological changes in his role for the benefit of the organisation.

Keeping pace with the advancements in technology is becoming a challenge. The only solution to keep abreast with technology is to keep on learning and updating yourself with new skill sets.

Recruitment Times is a recruitment magazine that provides both recruiters and employers all the latest recruitment news and updates in the UK. It also serves as a medium to connect recruiters with job seekers.


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